When your gut feeling has other plans for your business

Hey Reader,

I'm coming up on my 19th business anniversary, and honestly, it's weird to think about it because that's a hell of a long time.

On one hand, I'm so proud of what I've built, and I'm a little uncomfortable as I don't have a plan for the future of my business beyond a certain point. For 19 years, I've been adapting and changing, so who knows what will come next?

After all, it's one thing to have plans, but what if your gut tells you something else? And it won't stop telling you it's time to switch directions?

That's what AdeOla Fadumiye faced in 2023 when she decided it was time to shut down a thriving podcast production agency. In this conversation on the podcast, we discuss:

  • The gut-driven decision to shut down her business.
  • What’s she been doing to figure out what comes next.
  • How consulting gigs have helped her clarify what she wants to focus on.
  • Why she’s looking for a 9-to-5 role as she builds up her new venture.
  • Her advice for anyone wanting to make a big move in their business.

Also, check out the episode wrapping up the entire Exits and Evolutions series here.


BS-Free Business: For Service Business Owners

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