The Easy Money Dream? Let's Get Real.

Hey Reader,

I'm back from vacation, and as soon as I logged back in, I was FIRED up, and yes, that means there's a rant incoming.

Every single year when May rolls around, I feel this way. It's a month of anniversaries and milestones related to my life and business, so I start taking stock of everything. Add a vacation, and I'm bursting with things to say.

Starting with this...WTF are we even doing here in 2024 with this fakery of selling the BS dream of making piles of cash as a business owner? How is this still a thing?!?!

The original online business crew is bad enough teaching tactics that last worked in 2015, but then add in these influencers/coaches promising easy $10k or $20k+ months and the master resell rights people with their MLM-style scam (of buying a course so you can sell said course) and I have questions.

And honestly, you should too. Beyond the obvious question of how these people sleep at night, here are a few to consider for your service business:

1. How do I address changing market conditions and support my clients in reaching their goals? How do I market/sell in a way that doesn't push this narrative?

2. How do I stand out as a legitimate professional in a sea of scammers?

3. Who should I trust for guidance when smoke and mirrors are everywhere?

I have more, but let's start with those because as much as the market is shifting, the fakery continues.

My goal here isn't just to rant but to help you stay ahead of the curve as the market changes, starting with protecting your money.

The unfortunate truth is that conventional wisdom of online business is leaves too many people underearning as they chase a magical unicorn dream of what business is. I'm not here for it, especially in this messed-up economy.

In this episode of the BS-Free Service Business show, I discuss making the math "math" as a service business owner, including paying yourself, real-life budgeting, revenue, and more. Plus, I share one of the worst pieces of advice I ever acted on and how it left me in debt. 🙄

And if you want help with any of the math, grab the brand new calculator kit here.



New Resource

Breaking Free from the Time vs. Money Trap

I've created a quick video on the Time vs. Money Trap to help you understand why you keep repeating this cycle and the levers to help you break out of it for good.
Plus, I share why what you may have tried before isn't quite working for you and what to consider instead.

BS-Free Business: For Service Business Owners

This weekly newsletter is perfect for creatives, consultants and agency owners who are tired of the same old tired advice. If you want to run your business in a way that's about serving you AND your clients and not sacrificing your values, you'll want to join us.

Read more from BS-Free Business: For Service Business Owners

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