We don't need gimmicks. We need simplicity.

Starting this month, I’m bringing back email-exclusive essays. This is the first installment of a series where I’ll share more nuanced views about what I’m seeing, thinking, and feeling about service-based businesses.

Hey Reader,

“But how will I promote my business?”

I recently received this as a comment on a social media post in which I said you don’t have to create content as a service-based business owner.

At first, I was irritated, as I constantly get these types of comments. I always need to take a moment to decipher whether someone is trying to stir up drama or if the question is genuine.

In this case, it was a good-faith question, highlighting how duped so many people have been about marketing by celebrity entrepreneurs.

For over a decade, a steady stream of these BS experts has taught us how to use social media platforms, build our email lists and “be everywhere.”

The result is that too many business owners think digital or online marketing is the only way when it’s only a fraction of the marketing options available.

But you don’t always see business owners who run purely on referrals, speak at niche industry events, or use any other type of “old-school” marketing.

(I know for many of you, I’m preaching to the choir as you rely on these non-digital types of marketing.)

When we believe that we “have to” do something because that’s what we see celebrity entrepreneurs doing, it’s a cognitive bias. Frequency illusion has us seeing something more often after learning about it, so we assume online marketing is the only way.

When you combine that bias with the level of BS internet fame these people have (along with their massive marketing teams and budget) it’s easy to see why you may feel like you need to be doing “more” online.

If your marketing already works for you, how can you do more of it? Or at least do something closely aligned? For example, if you speak at conferences, can you add pitching to podcasts or trade media? How can you work to get more referrals if you depend on them?

If you’re looking for new marketing strategies, I challenge you to consider what will work best for you and your clients. Maybe it’s digital marketing, and it’s perhaps not.

And if you’re feeling tired AF by the endless (bordering on aggressive) messages about what you HAVE TO DO TO BE SUCCESSFUL OR ELSE, it’s time to shut it down.

Stop letting these people into your head because these people don’t know you. They don’t know your business. And they don’t necessarily know your clients.

What they know is how to make you feel bad, so you spend money to try to fix the problem they’re telling you that you have.

I know my business got easier for me (and so many of my friends and clients) when I stopped listening to celebrity entrepreneurs' basic BS advice.

I’ve been talking about these things for years, but 2024 may be the year more people need (or want) to hear it.


We’re fed up after watching things not work as celeb entrepreneurs promised.

We’re skeptical after trying to implement their advice and realizing the dream they sell is for a select few.

We’re sick of having a toxic relationship with social media and feeling bad about ourselves as we don’t have a zillion-dollar business.

We’re finding it harder and harder to stand out on social media unless we want to post rage bait and fight with people all day. (No one should be doing that!)

Most of all, we’re looking for a sustainable business that lets us have a life.

We don’t need gimmicks; we need simplicity. Especially right now.


Also, please let me know if you enjoyed today's essay and if there's anything you'd like me to tackle in a future installment.

BS-Free Business: For Service Business Owners

This weekly newsletter is perfect for creatives, consultants and agency owners who are tired of the same old tired advice. If you want to run your business in a way that's about serving you AND your clients and not sacrificing your values, you'll want to join us.

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