Behind the Scenes: The Real Cost of Diversifying My Income

Hey Reader,

Tell me if this is familiar...

You're feeling maxed out with client work, but you want to be able to grow your revenue. It’s a classic catch-22 as you need to free up the capacity to grow, and you feel unable to grow as you don’t have the capacity.

So you start fantasizing about throwing in the towel and opening a bookstore/cat cafe/coffee shop. The next thing you know you're considering adding a course or program to make extra income.

After all, it can't be that hard, right?

Selling products, whether templates, courses, communities, or group programs, is harder than it appears. I've literally sold all different types of offers and worked with business owners doing the same.

This is why I'm sharing my experiences and digging into how much work it is to add these revenue streams on top of your services.

Because no one told me I was essentially starting another business as it's a completely different business model.

While one-to-many offers are all valid ways to build new revenue streams, there's always a cost. In a world of "this is how to make money while you sleep," you need to be realistic about what it may cost, including your time, energy, money, opportunities, and more.

In this week's BS-Free Service Business show episode, I'm sharing the "real cost" of building these revenue streams and what you need to consider. Plus, I share how you can stick with services and add new ways of making money.

Whether you decide to stick with services or add on a one-to-many revenue stream, you’ll need a lot of patience and realistic expectations about the costs involved.

I'm all about the real talk,

Services Sidekick
Booking for March

Do you have something you need support with in March? Or a bunch of business questions you need to get handled?

You need a sidekick. 💥

With me as your trusty consultant, you'll have the support you need when and where you need it.

For March, you'll have ongoing support from me via Voxer (some of my clients refer to this as "Maggie in my pocket") and be able to book a call, too.

We’ll spend the full month together, and then you can choose to “stay” for April or “skip” it and re-engage whenever you’re ready.

You can book here.

BS-Free Business: For Service Business Owners

This weekly newsletter is perfect for creatives, consultants and agency owners who are tired of the same old tired advice. If you want to run your business in a way that's about serving you AND your clients and not sacrificing your values, you'll want to join us.

Read more from BS-Free Business: For Service Business Owners

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